Monday 20 August 2012


Ok so a little while ago I said I might talk about a few of the lifeguards on their own. So I thought as I haven't blogged in a while today would be a good day :) Thought I'd start with Reidy and why I think he's totally awesome :)

Ok so Reidy... lets get the obvious reason out of the way. When he was a teen as I'm sure most Bondi fans know he was a little bit chubby then he lost all the weight, trained super hard and became a lifeguard. Not only do I admire him for doing that but also he's training so hard for all these races and marathons. I read his blog sometimes (and he is the reason why I have a blogger) and I feel he is too harsh on himself. If he misses his target even by the tiniest margine he beats himself up over. I still think he's totally awesome just for finishing! I actually want to have him kinda as a role model for me losing weight when I can start because he has everything you need to succeed: passion for what he wants, strength (phyiscally and mentally), the drive and stamina to keep pushing himself to do better etc. Plus he shows exactly what you can achieve when you work hard at it :)

Another reason would have to be his twitter. I love reading all his tweets especially life quotes and he's such a good photographer. I was one of hose people who wasn't ever bothered abou going abroad for holidays but it's one of those things, when you see what you're missing out on you suddenly change your mind. A combination of watching Bondi Rescue and looking at the lifeguards photos (Reidy's especially) I've realised just how much I really really want to go to Australia and my best friend Holly and I plan to go to Bondi someday :)

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