Thursday 23 August 2012

Bondi ep

So I watched the episode of Bondi Rescue where Ryan Kim was clinically dead for at least 4 minutes. Watching this was truly moving and as I sat and re watched this with my mum earlier I said to her I would really like to do that. The more I think about me the more I want to get losing weight and training but until this catarrh’s gone then there’s nothing I can do but hopefully it’ll be gone by new year and I can get into losing weight. As it’s so hard to get a job I don’t see how training and getting fit in order to be able to apply for another job would be a bad thing. I want to work at Bondi some day but I’m not sure if that’ll happen due to issues like: money, working in their heat (I’d want a good year of training in their weather) and also blue bottles. I ended up in A&E with our English jellyfish and they’re nothing in comparison to blue bottles. I’m sure I could learn to use a board but I’d need the extra year to learn to swim against the rips and such (I don’t think swimming out of the rapids at a holiday pool counts as much experience) I would LOVE to work at Bondi but at the moment I don’t ever see it happening. L

Watching Reidy, Chappo, Maxi and the lads save Ryan’s life made me realise how incredible it would be for me to do that too. It’s not like I’m jumping into it I’ve given it lots of thought the whole time of watching Bondi for the past year but watching that episode I had the strong urge to train there and then if I could.

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