Friday 31 August 2012

Bondi makes me wanna change

So I just watched the Bondi episode where Mouse saved the little 2 year old. I couldn’t stop crying, I thought she was dead. As I sit and watch each episode of Bondi rescue it makes me realise. I really do want to be a lifeguard. I have hospital on the 24th September and when I walk in I’m going to demand I get the procedure ASAP (Don't worry nothing major). As soon as it’s sorted and I’m allowed I’m going to start swimming and losing weight. I’m going to train to be a lifeguard. Bondi has made me realise that maybe childcare isn’t the only career for me and maybe life guarding is the one career I want most. I wish Bondi aired earlier then I’d already be sorted J I’m not sure if going to work on Bondi will ever be an option but I hope to at least get some experience there when I’m ready. I’m even thinking of buying a board and paddling around the little lake near mine as the sea isn’t safe to learn in and also when you get big waves you get smashed into walls and that’s when people die.

Because I couldn’t get a childcare job I thought that was my only choice but now I see that with or without a job I can focus my time and energy on training to be a lifeguard though I know it’ll be anything but easy.

I never once realised that watching Bondi rescue would actually make me want to be a lifeguard and change the way I am so while they'll never know how they're inspiring me I want to thank them ALL anyway :)

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