Monday 20 August 2012


Well with Deano one thing I have to say is he still looks about 23ish and when he did that pants shoot and it said over 30's I was like.. so why is Deano there? Took a little while to sink in but I still don't think he looks anywhere near 30.

Deano is such a family man it's so sweet. I loved how he proposed to Lilly and little Lucy looks the spitting image of him when he was her age :)

With Deano he's bit of a softy and if I worked with them or anything I think I'd go to him and H man for help with anything. They both have experience but as I've seen on Bondi, Deano would probably be most patient with me (He'd need a lot of it teaching me things like using a board haha) but he took Tamika under his wing while she was there and he helped her do such a great job. I mean randomly being put somewhere like Bondi must be intimidating so it'd be great to have that one person who will keep a special look out for you and help you especially if you're too shy to ask anyone else.

Gotta love Deano :)

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