Tuesday 14 August 2012


Not prom season but I'm in the mood to reminisce though it was only last year. It was great :) ok s I didn't have a guy to take but neither did half the girls so my best friend Holly and I took each other... ok we were like an hour late and us plus a few others kept everyone waiting but either way xD.
Now I'm not the kinda girl to wear dresses, make up or do my hair but fuck it, it's prom!

So Holly's sister done our hair and makeup and with my hair being so long that's kinda mainly what made us late.  I'd gone dress shopping with my mum a few week ahead and found a lovely black dress with a silver bit on it plus some silver jewellery and some black heels. (I don't wear heels but had to all weekend because I was a bridesmaid at a wedding the next day)

Anyway got to prom the food kinda sucked and the speeches kinda felt like they were dragging but eventually it was dance time! My whole group of friends danced all night. People kept coming over telling me how lovely I looked and I even got the attention of a cute guy who had been flirting with me for weeks before. I went to ask him to dance but he was surrounded by his mates and I bottled it. He had a big grin and was acting unsure if it was me. He spent the whole night dancing close to me but we never danced with each other properly.  I did get something though from him and his mate being cheeky but enough about that :)

It was amazing and loads of fun and I got many hugs and compliments throughout the night. Sometimes I wish I could go back and relive that whole weekend :) Also that's my google+ DP me and Holly just before setting off to prom :)

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