Thursday 9 August 2012

Cattarh, Weight loss and my goal

Ok so basically 3 years ago I had bit of an ear infection. My Doctor mistreated it and it escalted and let's just say it wasn't very nice. We moved doctors surgeries and I went in and explained that I hd gloopy sound in my ears and got the odd headache and earache with it. He told me it was Cattarh (sinus thing) and I've been given antibiotics and sprays left right and centre and so far nothings orked. The only reason I'm mentioning this is because before it got bad I was skipping daily super fast for ages and taking at least a weekly walk. I was doing really well and fit into a pair of jeans I never fit into even hen they were first bought. One day though I had a massive headache and had to stop and layface down on my bed until the pain had stopped. Now the only thing I can do is walk (which I do daily with the dog for at least an hour) even running a really short distance for the bus made my head feel like it was going to explode :\ It seem I need a procedure to remove the problem and I have to go back to the hospital on the 24th sept. Hopefully it'll get sorted soon then I get back to losing weight.

My goal is to someday go to Australia and be able to wear a bikini. I'm a size 16-18 and want to get to about a 10-8. I'm kinda self concious about my body and I've never worn a bikini before. I'm not goin to try to diet fully as these never work for me and when I was younger I tried eating a meal a day if that. NEVER do it! I'll cut out snacks all together an eat smaller portions as that along with my skipping and walking worked well. I might lok into this weight watcers thing but I'm not sure yet.

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