Saturday 11 August 2012

Ok so yesterday I was at he pub waiting for mum to finish work and my hearing went funny an my sight went really bad. Everything around the ages blurred and I felt so dizzy and light headed. Rung the doctor and they only had emergency appointments left. She said (the receptionist) Do you feel this is an emergency and when I expained she said have an emergeny appointment or go to the walk in centre. So basically saw the dr ad he told me to sop taking my antibiotics he thinks i's that causing the prolem (it's happened 3 tims only since being on them) but now I have to go back to the drs tuesday to have my blood taken just in case (my dr had already tested blood pressure, sight, back of the eyes and listened to my heart. All are fine) Then I go back to the drs two weeks after for results. I have literally been in hospital at least once a month since this catarh got worse. Didn't think a sinus problem could do this but I do't mind all the appointments coz soon I'll have this procedure and I'll be better. No more dizzyness, daily nausea etc. As soon as I can I'm hitting the pool to exercise!

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