Monday 20 August 2012


Hyper guy who wiggles his ears, is good with kids, surfs and has an awesome sense of humour. What's not to love?  So Maxi (as most of you know) is my favourite lifeguard overall. I'm no sure what it is I think it everything including his charm. Was lucky enough to be in a google+ hangout with the lads and he kept making me laugh. When he told me and showed me that he can wiggle his ears I very nearly went "awww" out loud, I just found it adorable haha. I think he was the main reason I got nervous and rambled a little (and went red) :) I think it's his charm :)

Anyway... Maxi worked so hard and you could see how much this job meant to him and I'm so happy he got it. He has the right amount of drive and passion for doing what he loves most. Even though the lads like pranking him he always takes it in good spirits when others would go mad and he also doesn't over think things he just goes ahead and does it and if it doesn't workout he doesn't mind.

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