Saturday 11 August 2012


Bondi Rescue
So I wanna chat about random stuff that I love so as this is literally the main love in my life I thought I'd start with this. It's been on for almost a year now in UK (I think) and despite the constant repeats as they won't show any new ones yet I still watch them. My mum always asks if I ever get bored with it as we can actually act each episode out from heart. Honestly? No, I never get bored with it. I saw the adverts and being the weird girl I am instead of thinking "oooh half naked men running around on a beach" like I'm sure a lot of girls did I was more like FIRST AID AND AWESOME LOOKING INJURIES SWEET! (I've kinda grown up loving first aid and just wanting to constantly learn about it, probs from dad being a first aider and his dad being a paramedic)

Anyway after the first season I was like he's in shock and needs the tin foil treatment etc.  then noticed I was talking more like them too xD walking around the shop I saw what the English call flip flops and kinda yelled "hey look thongs!" then I started with the ambo etc.

Honestly you gotta love the show. It's unpredicatable, it's awesome and the lads are so cool. I love that they tweet people and the whole google+ hangouts they did were incredible (not just saying that because I got to talk to them lol) Can't wait for the next set. They always have fun but are serious hen the rescues come around

Everyone has their favourite lifeguard whether it's Hoppo, Reidy, Deano, Jesse or Maxi but Imma have to go with Maxi being my favourite for several reasons :) I might post about some of the lifeguards seperately but for now I'm just gonna spread my love and admiration for all the boys here.

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