Wednesday 22 August 2012


So basically I'm trained to work with children BUT there are vitually NO childcare jobs in my area and the interviews I've done I've failed. So I'm looking or a back up. I'm not good at anything other than working with children and retail won't touch me with a barge pole because they want experience but I can't get the experience needed when no one will give me a chance so it’s kind of a vicious cycle. I am volunteering and was told I’d be in the shop on the tills and actually I’m nowhere near the shop instead I help raise money for the RNLI.

I want to lose weight and get fit and thought it’d be good if I had something to work towards. So after watching Bondi a lot and sub consciously checking the beaches when I’m down their maybe I was thinking maybe should train into being a lifeguard? That way if I can’t get a job working with children I can work as a lifeguard. It’ll take a lot of training to get fit but as I’ve always been fascinated in first aid and dealing with injuries then maybe this would be a good idea. I already have a basic first aid training certificate but I’d love to learn more.

I love swimming, the water, first aid and am a good people person. Why the thought never occurred to me to shape up and become a lifeguard was beyond me but maybe this is something I can do whilst still searching for jobs and when the time comes and I still have no job or in years time when I want to leave childcare I can work on the beach.

So any lifguards out there (I will be tagging some Bondi boys in the hope they see and can help) what do you think? It'll take some time once my cattarh is sorted but I've been unemployed a year now and with childcare the only thing I can do maybe it’s time to broaden my horizons.

All I can say is Bondi has made me think long and hard about taking another direction as childcare isn't working out and even when it does am I really gonna work in a nursery my ENTIRE life?

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