Friday 31 August 2012

Bondi makes me wanna change

So I just watched the Bondi episode where Mouse saved the little 2 year old. I couldn’t stop crying, I thought she was dead. As I sit and watch each episode of Bondi rescue it makes me realise. I really do want to be a lifeguard. I have hospital on the 24th September and when I walk in I’m going to demand I get the procedure ASAP (Don't worry nothing major). As soon as it’s sorted and I’m allowed I’m going to start swimming and losing weight. I’m going to train to be a lifeguard. Bondi has made me realise that maybe childcare isn’t the only career for me and maybe life guarding is the one career I want most. I wish Bondi aired earlier then I’d already be sorted J I’m not sure if going to work on Bondi will ever be an option but I hope to at least get some experience there when I’m ready. I’m even thinking of buying a board and paddling around the little lake near mine as the sea isn’t safe to learn in and also when you get big waves you get smashed into walls and that’s when people die.

Because I couldn’t get a childcare job I thought that was my only choice but now I see that with or without a job I can focus my time and energy on training to be a lifeguard though I know it’ll be anything but easy.

I never once realised that watching Bondi rescue would actually make me want to be a lifeguard and change the way I am so while they'll never know how they're inspiring me I want to thank them ALL anyway :)

Sunday 26 August 2012

Dog day

Had an interesting day involving dogs. Coming back from the bank and a little cocker spaniel ran over and sniffed me then went off the little girl with him apologised and ran with him. I heard her yelling Charlie and I turned to see her run down towards where I just came from then turn and run the other way in tears and I was like “Hey what’s wrong?” and she was saying how Charlie had run away so I said I’d come and find him with her and she hadn’t seen where he went luckily he only crossed the road as she went to cross the road the public were freaking that she’d get ran over and made her wait (there was one car and it was parked) so I dashed over and got the dog and the little girl’s mum had seen us running and followed us bare foot from their house. They said thanks and were so happy he was safe.

Later I took my dog to the beach and she was attempting to bury a stick and had a big swim then on the way home she saw a friendly looking boarder collie and I let her go and smell it (If it looks dangerous I won’t let Poppy anywhere near it) and then it suddenly lunged and went to attack Poppy! The only thing that stopped it was I dragged Poppy and it’s owner pulled the dog away. He didn’t even apologise for his dog lunging at mine. Poor Poppy got so scared she hid behind my legs and then when we saw more dogs she tried to pull me into the road to get well away from them.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Bondi ep

So I watched the episode of Bondi Rescue where Ryan Kim was clinically dead for at least 4 minutes. Watching this was truly moving and as I sat and re watched this with my mum earlier I said to her I would really like to do that. The more I think about me the more I want to get losing weight and training but until this catarrh’s gone then there’s nothing I can do but hopefully it’ll be gone by new year and I can get into losing weight. As it’s so hard to get a job I don’t see how training and getting fit in order to be able to apply for another job would be a bad thing. I want to work at Bondi some day but I’m not sure if that’ll happen due to issues like: money, working in their heat (I’d want a good year of training in their weather) and also blue bottles. I ended up in A&E with our English jellyfish and they’re nothing in comparison to blue bottles. I’m sure I could learn to use a board but I’d need the extra year to learn to swim against the rips and such (I don’t think swimming out of the rapids at a holiday pool counts as much experience) I would LOVE to work at Bondi but at the moment I don’t ever see it happening. L

Watching Reidy, Chappo, Maxi and the lads save Ryan’s life made me realise how incredible it would be for me to do that too. It’s not like I’m jumping into it I’ve given it lots of thought the whole time of watching Bondi for the past year but watching that episode I had the strong urge to train there and then if I could.

Wednesday 22 August 2012


So basically I'm trained to work with children BUT there are vitually NO childcare jobs in my area and the interviews I've done I've failed. So I'm looking or a back up. I'm not good at anything other than working with children and retail won't touch me with a barge pole because they want experience but I can't get the experience needed when no one will give me a chance so it’s kind of a vicious cycle. I am volunteering and was told I’d be in the shop on the tills and actually I’m nowhere near the shop instead I help raise money for the RNLI.

I want to lose weight and get fit and thought it’d be good if I had something to work towards. So after watching Bondi a lot and sub consciously checking the beaches when I’m down their maybe I was thinking maybe should train into being a lifeguard? That way if I can’t get a job working with children I can work as a lifeguard. It’ll take a lot of training to get fit but as I’ve always been fascinated in first aid and dealing with injuries then maybe this would be a good idea. I already have a basic first aid training certificate but I’d love to learn more.

I love swimming, the water, first aid and am a good people person. Why the thought never occurred to me to shape up and become a lifeguard was beyond me but maybe this is something I can do whilst still searching for jobs and when the time comes and I still have no job or in years time when I want to leave childcare I can work on the beach.

So any lifguards out there (I will be tagging some Bondi boys in the hope they see and can help) what do you think? It'll take some time once my cattarh is sorted but I've been unemployed a year now and with childcare the only thing I can do maybe it’s time to broaden my horizons.

All I can say is Bondi has made me think long and hard about taking another direction as childcare isn't working out and even when it does am I really gonna work in a nursery my ENTIRE life?

Monday 20 August 2012


Hyper guy who wiggles his ears, is good with kids, surfs and has an awesome sense of humour. What's not to love?  So Maxi (as most of you know) is my favourite lifeguard overall. I'm no sure what it is I think it everything including his charm. Was lucky enough to be in a google+ hangout with the lads and he kept making me laugh. When he told me and showed me that he can wiggle his ears I very nearly went "awww" out loud, I just found it adorable haha. I think he was the main reason I got nervous and rambled a little (and went red) :) I think it's his charm :)

Anyway... Maxi worked so hard and you could see how much this job meant to him and I'm so happy he got it. He has the right amount of drive and passion for doing what he loves most. Even though the lads like pranking him he always takes it in good spirits when others would go mad and he also doesn't over think things he just goes ahead and does it and if it doesn't workout he doesn't mind.


Kerrbox, The singer, the surfer and the guy who can apparently play the harp with his toes! Totally awesome and I wish he could teach me all three things! I wonder if he has ever tried singing, surfing and harp playing with his toes whilst surfing? Now THAT'S a party trick!

He might be scared of heights but everyone's scared of something. He makes me laugh even if he does sometimes play mean pranks but it's still funny. Just keeps you on your toes.. besides the boys get him back though for sure. He's great at laughing and joking but is super serious and focused when needed. Also he does an amazing Bon Jovi impresion... hair and all! Gotta love box


Well with Deano one thing I have to say is he still looks about 23ish and when he did that pants shoot and it said over 30's I was like.. so why is Deano there? Took a little while to sink in but I still don't think he looks anywhere near 30.

Deano is such a family man it's so sweet. I loved how he proposed to Lilly and little Lucy looks the spitting image of him when he was her age :)

With Deano he's bit of a softy and if I worked with them or anything I think I'd go to him and H man for help with anything. They both have experience but as I've seen on Bondi, Deano would probably be most patient with me (He'd need a lot of it teaching me things like using a board haha) but he took Tamika under his wing while she was there and he helped her do such a great job. I mean randomly being put somewhere like Bondi must be intimidating so it'd be great to have that one person who will keep a special look out for you and help you especially if you're too shy to ask anyone else.

Gotta love Deano :)


Ok so a little while ago I said I might talk about a few of the lifeguards on their own. So I thought as I haven't blogged in a while today would be a good day :) Thought I'd start with Reidy and why I think he's totally awesome :)

Ok so Reidy... lets get the obvious reason out of the way. When he was a teen as I'm sure most Bondi fans know he was a little bit chubby then he lost all the weight, trained super hard and became a lifeguard. Not only do I admire him for doing that but also he's training so hard for all these races and marathons. I read his blog sometimes (and he is the reason why I have a blogger) and I feel he is too harsh on himself. If he misses his target even by the tiniest margine he beats himself up over. I still think he's totally awesome just for finishing! I actually want to have him kinda as a role model for me losing weight when I can start because he has everything you need to succeed: passion for what he wants, strength (phyiscally and mentally), the drive and stamina to keep pushing himself to do better etc. Plus he shows exactly what you can achieve when you work hard at it :)

Another reason would have to be his twitter. I love reading all his tweets especially life quotes and he's such a good photographer. I was one of hose people who wasn't ever bothered abou going abroad for holidays but it's one of those things, when you see what you're missing out on you suddenly change your mind. A combination of watching Bondi Rescue and looking at the lifeguards photos (Reidy's especially) I've realised just how much I really really want to go to Australia and my best friend Holly and I plan to go to Bondi someday :)

Tuesday 14 August 2012


Not prom season but I'm in the mood to reminisce though it was only last year. It was great :) ok s I didn't have a guy to take but neither did half the girls so my best friend Holly and I took each other... ok we were like an hour late and us plus a few others kept everyone waiting but either way xD.
Now I'm not the kinda girl to wear dresses, make up or do my hair but fuck it, it's prom!

So Holly's sister done our hair and makeup and with my hair being so long that's kinda mainly what made us late.  I'd gone dress shopping with my mum a few week ahead and found a lovely black dress with a silver bit on it plus some silver jewellery and some black heels. (I don't wear heels but had to all weekend because I was a bridesmaid at a wedding the next day)

Anyway got to prom the food kinda sucked and the speeches kinda felt like they were dragging but eventually it was dance time! My whole group of friends danced all night. People kept coming over telling me how lovely I looked and I even got the attention of a cute guy who had been flirting with me for weeks before. I went to ask him to dance but he was surrounded by his mates and I bottled it. He had a big grin and was acting unsure if it was me. He spent the whole night dancing close to me but we never danced with each other properly.  I did get something though from him and his mate being cheeky but enough about that :)

It was amazing and loads of fun and I got many hugs and compliments throughout the night. Sometimes I wish I could go back and relive that whole weekend :) Also that's my google+ DP me and Holly just before setting off to prom :)

Saturday 11 August 2012


Bondi Rescue
So I wanna chat about random stuff that I love so as this is literally the main love in my life I thought I'd start with this. It's been on for almost a year now in UK (I think) and despite the constant repeats as they won't show any new ones yet I still watch them. My mum always asks if I ever get bored with it as we can actually act each episode out from heart. Honestly? No, I never get bored with it. I saw the adverts and being the weird girl I am instead of thinking "oooh half naked men running around on a beach" like I'm sure a lot of girls did I was more like FIRST AID AND AWESOME LOOKING INJURIES SWEET! (I've kinda grown up loving first aid and just wanting to constantly learn about it, probs from dad being a first aider and his dad being a paramedic)

Anyway after the first season I was like he's in shock and needs the tin foil treatment etc.  then noticed I was talking more like them too xD walking around the shop I saw what the English call flip flops and kinda yelled "hey look thongs!" then I started with the ambo etc.

Honestly you gotta love the show. It's unpredicatable, it's awesome and the lads are so cool. I love that they tweet people and the whole google+ hangouts they did were incredible (not just saying that because I got to talk to them lol) Can't wait for the next set. They always have fun but are serious hen the rescues come around

Everyone has their favourite lifeguard whether it's Hoppo, Reidy, Deano, Jesse or Maxi but Imma have to go with Maxi being my favourite for several reasons :) I might post about some of the lifeguards seperately but for now I'm just gonna spread my love and admiration for all the boys here.

Ok so yesterday I was at he pub waiting for mum to finish work and my hearing went funny an my sight went really bad. Everything around the ages blurred and I felt so dizzy and light headed. Rung the doctor and they only had emergency appointments left. She said (the receptionist) Do you feel this is an emergency and when I expained she said have an emergeny appointment or go to the walk in centre. So basically saw the dr ad he told me to sop taking my antibiotics he thinks i's that causing the prolem (it's happened 3 tims only since being on them) but now I have to go back to the drs tuesday to have my blood taken just in case (my dr had already tested blood pressure, sight, back of the eyes and listened to my heart. All are fine) Then I go back to the drs two weeks after for results. I have literally been in hospital at least once a month since this catarh got worse. Didn't think a sinus problem could do this but I do't mind all the appointments coz soon I'll have this procedure and I'll be better. No more dizzyness, daily nausea etc. As soon as I can I'm hitting the pool to exercise!

Thursday 9 August 2012

Cattarh, Weight loss and my goal

Ok so basically 3 years ago I had bit of an ear infection. My Doctor mistreated it and it escalted and let's just say it wasn't very nice. We moved doctors surgeries and I went in and explained that I hd gloopy sound in my ears and got the odd headache and earache with it. He told me it was Cattarh (sinus thing) and I've been given antibiotics and sprays left right and centre and so far nothings orked. The only reason I'm mentioning this is because before it got bad I was skipping daily super fast for ages and taking at least a weekly walk. I was doing really well and fit into a pair of jeans I never fit into even hen they were first bought. One day though I had a massive headache and had to stop and layface down on my bed until the pain had stopped. Now the only thing I can do is walk (which I do daily with the dog for at least an hour) even running a really short distance for the bus made my head feel like it was going to explode :\ It seem I need a procedure to remove the problem and I have to go back to the hospital on the 24th sept. Hopefully it'll get sorted soon then I get back to losing weight.

My goal is to someday go to Australia and be able to wear a bikini. I'm a size 16-18 and want to get to about a 10-8. I'm kinda self concious about my body and I've never worn a bikini before. I'm not goin to try to diet fully as these never work for me and when I was younger I tried eating a meal a day if that. NEVER do it! I'll cut out snacks all together an eat smaller portions as that along with my skipping and walking worked well. I might lok into this weight watcers thing but I'm not sure yet.

First blog

So this is my first blogger blog :) I'm just planning to use it every so often just to say what's happening and such. I'll probably talk a lot about losing weight but alo the one thing stopping me a the moment. Hopefully I'll get the hang of this soon. I'm also likely to blog videos of me and my best mate and the stuff we get up via youube.