Saturday 13 October 2012


So not had the internet for about week but now it’s back I can get back to blogging. Not a lot has gone on lately except I have another hospital appointment Tuesday. Not gonna miss this one no matter what! Winter’s coming and it’s so cold. Need to buy a proper coat, hat, gloves and scarf for when I walk the dog. Winter means Christmas and last year I already had several presents so far I have nothing right now L fallen behind and I need to start ASAP! Winter also means… My birthday soon! It’s also my mum’s and dad’s birthday too in November. Dad’s is 7th, Mine’s the 8th and mum’s is the 14th. My poor dad spent his 21st birthday in hospital waiting for me. Good thing about having a birthday so close to November 5th is people carry on with fireworks (especially where I was born) for days afterwards so I was born with fireworks going off near the hospital.

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