Sunday 14 October 2012


What do you see as romance? To me I'd love to be seranaded by a guy on the guitar singing one of my favourite songs or maybe  kiss in the rain or a pool. That kind stuff. Around where I live most guys will treat you to a kids meal in McDonalds haha.

Some mysterious man once went into the pub where my mum works (it wasn't her shift) gave two women a bunch of flowers each then walked off. The following weekend my mum and I found out who he was and we were chatting to him and he said I was waiting for a tattoo that's just the kinda guy I am. Mum and I thought that ws so sweet.

So guys what do you class as romance from a lady? Maybe just a film, pizza and beer andyoure happy? Maybe it's more?

Ladies what do you wish a guy would do for you that's romantic? Are you like me and want to have a guy play the guitar for you? Or maybe you'd like them to take you away somewhere?

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