Saturday 20 October 2012

fab year!

Had such a fantastic year so far! Met Panic! At the disco via meet & greets and we gave them a “lern yaself Scouse” book and the boys loved it and even took a video backstage and Brendon was having a read of it J We got pictures with them too and I stood next to Spencer and Ian \o/

I also got to go on a hangout with the Bondi rescue lads which was amazing! Couldn’t stop laughing and it was great to be able to talk to them face to kinda face J In that I met Jesse! Yeah he hadn’t come into the uk at the time but after the last season I now know he’s an awesome lifeguard and fits in perfectly with the others J From that I got a kiss off Maxi *blushing*

I’ve also had some amazing followers and chats to people on my twitter and Google+ and each time I get a little bit hyper (Just a little bit I swear haha) I totally love my twitter and Google+ !

Also mine and mums coffee morning raised over £130 and mum's highest target was £100! Thanks for everyone who bought/donated and helped!

Last year was pretty epic and I didn’t think this year would even match it in awesomeness but it didn’t just meet it, it overtook last year by far.

Next year shall be pretty sweet too from what I already know because Justin Bieber is coming back to uk (2nd time for a show) and this will be the 2nd time I’ve seen him and rumour has it that Carly Rae Jepson is his opening act and they both sing my favourite song!

If the world did end this year like everyone reckons then I can go happy but it won’t end because it ends nearly every year and guess what? Still here!

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