Thursday 25 October 2012

bloody hamster! #rant

I'm not enjoying my sister having a hamster. He got stuck in his tube and I got him out and he bit me to the point where my thumb was bleeding for like 10-15 mins. My parents got rid of my hamster (when I as like 7) for that (butmine NEVER bit like that) but they've kept Nibbler. My sister is driving me insane telling everyone off for making a noise because the precious hamster is trying to sleep. Then she tells my brothers they were so loud last night that the poor iccle baby is too tired this morning.... IT'S NOCTURNAL OF COURSE IT'S TIRED! She knows this and she spends all day out and all night with the hamster and keeps locking the dog out so the hamster can have a scurry around in it's ball. She's completely ignoring all other pets including her cat and she's already tried palming the hamter off on me the night she got him.

The poor other pets (3 cats, a dog and countless rabbits) are all being ignored and she's stoppd doing her only job of feeding the rabbits wich has been dumped on me and dad. She's such a pain! She's only had it just over 48 hours but as soon as she brought it in the house she was being too over protective of it going NOBODY TOUCH IT DON'T DO THIS DON'T DO THAT! (that was to me and my mum! We know how to take care of animals we've looked after every animal in the house) Sorry rant over but this bloody hamster is doing my head in and so isthe way my sister acts over it.

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