Friday 28 September 2012

Coffee morning

Today went well. We got everything set up nice and early and one of the women working in the pub suggested donations instead of set prices for everything. This worked out perfectly! Instead of 50p here and there we had people giving 5-10+ pounds for some stuff. The jams sold rather well and anything left over is being kept in the fridge and is being sold tomorrow by another member of staff. People LOVED my cookie monster cupcakes and there was only one left. Saw the effects and they don’t half make your tongue go blue lol All in all was a great day (most of the time) we had a moment of unpleasantness where someone interfered and told a bunch of kids the cakes were free of charge and just being given away so like 15 kids came in and took cakes and we only got 20p off one girl as it was all she had. The woman knew EXACTLY what she was doing as she was of those people who has to be the centre of attention and if not she deliberately ruins what she can

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