Saturday 8 September 2012

People by me make no sense

People in my area are idiots! I’m constantly asked for ID even when I’m just buying scratch cards (you only have to be 16) and yet on several occasions I’ve been asked if I’m a mum. Not just to little kids. Once I was on my first day of placement and the chef thought I was a mum because one of the children was sitting on my lap but she was like 2. My 12 year old sister looks about 8 and I’ve been asked several times if I’m her mum like 4 times! And once on the phone someone asked if I was my dad’s mum.I'm also a mum to a 14 year old and a 9 year old and a 3 year old as well as my dad and sister and the child from placement. From now on I might as well reply sure why not I’m everyone else’s mum. I get told I look about 14 (despite being 20 in November) I don’t mind that but I don’t understand how I can look so young and be a mum to like 6 kids. Then I get middle aged men (and young boys) staring at my boobs. Usually around 30+ and 14-15. It’d be nice to attract a guy my own age for once. If I look 14-15 then why are men 30+ staring at my boobs? I’m sorry but a 14 year old will not have boobs my size unless they’re VERY early developers xD They make no sense but they make me laugh. I'm used to it.

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