Sunday 16 September 2012

Just remember

So a lot of people on twitter and such admit to self harming, or complain about how they look but what peope never remember is they are gorgeous. You don't have to be stick thin with bright blonde hair and pearly white teeth to be pretty. Everyone feels ugly at times it's part of growing up but there will ALWAYS be someone out there who loves you for who you are.

Take me for example: I'm a size 16-18, my hair looks awful as I'm growing the hairdye out and I hate taking photos of myself and when I do take photos I go through loads before I find ones I like.
Some days I hate how I look and it just mkes me want to cry. Other time I think damn I look good! haha.

Your family don't care how you look and neither do your friends and who cares if you're single? I'm nearly 20 and I've never had a boyfriend on bad days yes it does upset me but on good days (which I get a lot) I think who cares? If someone doesn't love me for who I am it's their loss not mine.

To those who self harm because they don't feel beautiful or any other reason just remember there's always someone who will talk to you even if it's  friend you've made online. No one is perfect but don't ever let people feel that you ain't beautiful and that they're better than you because you know something? A beautiful soul is more beautiful than any physical feature someone thinks they have. You are beautiful too & you have a beautiful soul and personality to match which can never be beaten or taken away and that's why some people feel the need to put you down.

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