Thursday 27 September 2012


So tomorrow is my mum’s McMillan coffee morning and mum and I spent like 7 hours baking and decorating cakes. Pictures to follow but now they’re all done and ready for tomorrow. Hope we get loads of people coz me and mum don’t want to bring a single cake home. We don’t want to see another cake for some time J These are some pictures of what we made. I was chief cake maker though mum made some too and she was chief decorator though I did some too (like the cookie monsters eyes and fur with mums help… couldn’t get the fur colour right though with a whole bottle of food colouring lol)

                                                                  Cookie monsters
                                                                           Berry Blast
                                                                     Dainty Daisies
                                                                               Pretty 'n' pink
                                                                                 All that glitters
                                                                                Red velvets
                                      Blue are captain crunch not sure on the white and pinks

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