Sunday 28 October 2012

One the guys might find interesting...

So I’m just gonna chat about cars and football and formula one racing. Just a countdown of them really.


Lamborghini Gallardo - favourite colour: Yellow,

Lamborghini Reventon - favourite colour: Black

Lamborghini Murcielago - favourite colour: White

Bugatti Veyron 2013 - favourite colour: Grey

BMW super car concept - favourite colour: Red

Audi spyder - favourite colour: White

Audi r8 - favourite colour: Red

Top gear episodes

The episode where they go camping! (BEST EPISODE!!!)

Crossing the English channel in an amphibious car

Driving up the deadly mountain

Taking on the snowmobile

The top gear rocket

Football players

Well as I’m a Liverpool fc supporter (And England of course) this won’t be hard.



Reina (Best goalie going)



F1 racing

Just Louis Hamilton and Jenson Button really (I do know plenty more I just like these two)

Friday 26 October 2012

I’m sorry but this is horrible! you don’t JOKE about things like cancer! Who cares if some girls shaved their heads for “Justin”? These people should get into trouble not the lifeguards that got fired for doing gangnam style. Justin does not have cancer it was just a bunch of idiots pretending he did and doing things like making videos and photos to that effect with “fans” who had already gone #BaldForBieber I don’t care whether this was Justin Bieber or the people I hate the most cancer is NOT something to joke about!

I myself am not shaving my hair but for months I have been growing my hair with the intentions of getting it cut short so that it can be donated to be made into a wig. This is nothing to do with me thinking that Justin had cancer I have been following Avalanna (as most of you know) and another little girl called Claudia. She sometimes wants to have hair back but they don’t make wigs the right fit for children and Claudia’s wig was itchy and horrible. In the end she preferred to be bald. So as soon as I feel my hair is long enough I’m donating it.!/pages/Claudias-Cause/203760479672217 Please like Claudia’s facebook page. They’re looking for 40,000 by tomorrow.

Thursday 25 October 2012

bloody hamster! #rant

I'm not enjoying my sister having a hamster. He got stuck in his tube and I got him out and he bit me to the point where my thumb was bleeding for like 10-15 mins. My parents got rid of my hamster (when I as like 7) for that (butmine NEVER bit like that) but they've kept Nibbler. My sister is driving me insane telling everyone off for making a noise because the precious hamster is trying to sleep. Then she tells my brothers they were so loud last night that the poor iccle baby is too tired this morning.... IT'S NOCTURNAL OF COURSE IT'S TIRED! She knows this and she spends all day out and all night with the hamster and keeps locking the dog out so the hamster can have a scurry around in it's ball. She's completely ignoring all other pets including her cat and she's already tried palming the hamter off on me the night she got him.

The poor other pets (3 cats, a dog and countless rabbits) are all being ignored and she's stoppd doing her only job of feeding the rabbits wich has been dumped on me and dad. She's such a pain! She's only had it just over 48 hours but as soon as she brought it in the house she was being too over protective of it going NOBODY TOUCH IT DON'T DO THIS DON'T DO THAT! (that was to me and my mum! We know how to take care of animals we've looked after every animal in the house) Sorry rant over but this bloody hamster is doing my head in and so isthe way my sister acts over it.

Sunday 21 October 2012

50 shades of grey review

Just a random blog about the book that people went mental for. 50 shades of grey. Ok so basically shy virgin stumbles across the path of man who doesn’t “make love he just fucks” and basically he’s falling in love with her and she’s falling for him it’s nothing special. I’ve stopped reading it because it got so boring. I had like 3 chapters left, no way could I make it through another 2 books!

Some of it made you a little hot under the collar but it’s honestly nothing special and I’ve read a lot stronger stuff. Mum thought I’d go bright red but honestly I didn’t. Everyone was all hyped up over this book and there’s nothing to get excited over.

Drift of this blog: 50 shades of grey is NOTHING special.

Saturday 20 October 2012

fab year!

Had such a fantastic year so far! Met Panic! At the disco via meet & greets and we gave them a “lern yaself Scouse” book and the boys loved it and even took a video backstage and Brendon was having a read of it J We got pictures with them too and I stood next to Spencer and Ian \o/

I also got to go on a hangout with the Bondi rescue lads which was amazing! Couldn’t stop laughing and it was great to be able to talk to them face to kinda face J In that I met Jesse! Yeah he hadn’t come into the uk at the time but after the last season I now know he’s an awesome lifeguard and fits in perfectly with the others J From that I got a kiss off Maxi *blushing*

I’ve also had some amazing followers and chats to people on my twitter and Google+ and each time I get a little bit hyper (Just a little bit I swear haha) I totally love my twitter and Google+ !

Also mine and mums coffee morning raised over £130 and mum's highest target was £100! Thanks for everyone who bought/donated and helped!

Last year was pretty epic and I didn’t think this year would even match it in awesomeness but it didn’t just meet it, it overtook last year by far.

Next year shall be pretty sweet too from what I already know because Justin Bieber is coming back to uk (2nd time for a show) and this will be the 2nd time I’ve seen him and rumour has it that Carly Rae Jepson is his opening act and they both sing my favourite song!

If the world did end this year like everyone reckons then I can go happy but it won’t end because it ends nearly every year and guess what? Still here!

Friday 19 October 2012

Top #5s

Bored so I'm doing my top 5 things

  1. Beautiful - Carly Rae Jepsen and Justin Bieber
  2. fall/ die in your arms / one less lonely girl (can't pick) - all Justin bieber
  3. November rain - Guns 'n' Roses
  4. bed of roses/ always - Bon Jovi
  5. Ready to go/ lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off - Panic! At the disco 
  1. Bondi rescue's Maxi (<3)
  2. Justin Bieber
  3. Panic! At the disco's Brendon Urie
  4. Tom Daley
  5. Eminem
  1. My sister Jodie - Jacqueline Wilson
  2. Love lessons - Jacqueline Wilson
  3. Kiss - Jacqueline Wilson
  4. darren shan's cirque du freak series
  5. Hetty feather trilogy - Jacqueline Wilson
  1. Bondi rescue
  2. Hollyoaks
  3. celebrity juice
  4. russel howard's good news
  5. red dwarf
Artists (music)
  1. Justin Bieber
  2. Panic! At the disco
  3. My chemical romance
  4. eminem
  5. Queen/ guns 'n' roses/ bon jovi
  1. purple
  2. blue
  3. powder colours (baby blue, powder pink etc)
  4. red
  5. green

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Hey guys, went to the hospital earlier and the Dr said I’m having the operation in the next two months just waiting for the date and time now. He was a different dr to last time and he just turns to me and says “there’s risk of eye and brain damage ok?” I almost burst into tears! When I got on the bus I read a bit of one of the leaflets…. It’s 0.0003% chance of that happening. I was like gee thanks Doc for explaining that. He also thinks the thing I’ve had the blood tests for isn’t my catarrh so I have to get ANOTHER blood test because my body is fighting an infection but according to this doctor it’s a long shot that it’s because of my catarrh. Then if it’s still high I have to go see someone else at the hospital about it.

Sunday 14 October 2012


What do you see as romance? To me I'd love to be seranaded by a guy on the guitar singing one of my favourite songs or maybe  kiss in the rain or a pool. That kind stuff. Around where I live most guys will treat you to a kids meal in McDonalds haha.

Some mysterious man once went into the pub where my mum works (it wasn't her shift) gave two women a bunch of flowers each then walked off. The following weekend my mum and I found out who he was and we were chatting to him and he said I was waiting for a tattoo that's just the kinda guy I am. Mum and I thought that ws so sweet.

So guys what do you class as romance from a lady? Maybe just a film, pizza and beer andyoure happy? Maybe it's more?

Ladies what do you wish a guy would do for you that's romantic? Are you like me and want to have a guy play the guitar for you? Or maybe you'd like them to take you away somewhere?

Saturday 13 October 2012


So not had the internet for about week but now it’s back I can get back to blogging. Not a lot has gone on lately except I have another hospital appointment Tuesday. Not gonna miss this one no matter what! Winter’s coming and it’s so cold. Need to buy a proper coat, hat, gloves and scarf for when I walk the dog. Winter means Christmas and last year I already had several presents so far I have nothing right now L fallen behind and I need to start ASAP! Winter also means… My birthday soon! It’s also my mum’s and dad’s birthday too in November. Dad’s is 7th, Mine’s the 8th and mum’s is the 14th. My poor dad spent his 21st birthday in hospital waiting for me. Good thing about having a birthday so close to November 5th is people carry on with fireworks (especially where I was born) for days afterwards so I was born with fireworks going off near the hospital.