Friday 28 September 2012

Coffee morning

Today went well. We got everything set up nice and early and one of the women working in the pub suggested donations instead of set prices for everything. This worked out perfectly! Instead of 50p here and there we had people giving 5-10+ pounds for some stuff. The jams sold rather well and anything left over is being kept in the fridge and is being sold tomorrow by another member of staff. People LOVED my cookie monster cupcakes and there was only one left. Saw the effects and they don’t half make your tongue go blue lol All in all was a great day (most of the time) we had a moment of unpleasantness where someone interfered and told a bunch of kids the cakes were free of charge and just being given away so like 15 kids came in and took cakes and we only got 20p off one girl as it was all she had. The woman knew EXACTLY what she was doing as she was of those people who has to be the centre of attention and if not she deliberately ruins what she can

Thursday 27 September 2012


So tomorrow is my mum’s McMillan coffee morning and mum and I spent like 7 hours baking and decorating cakes. Pictures to follow but now they’re all done and ready for tomorrow. Hope we get loads of people coz me and mum don’t want to bring a single cake home. We don’t want to see another cake for some time J These are some pictures of what we made. I was chief cake maker though mum made some too and she was chief decorator though I did some too (like the cookie monsters eyes and fur with mums help… couldn’t get the fur colour right though with a whole bottle of food colouring lol)

                                                                  Cookie monsters
                                                                           Berry Blast
                                                                     Dainty Daisies
                                                                               Pretty 'n' pink
                                                                                 All that glitters
                                                                                Red velvets
                                      Blue are captain crunch not sure on the white and pinks

Sunday 16 September 2012

Just remember

So a lot of people on twitter and such admit to self harming, or complain about how they look but what peope never remember is they are gorgeous. You don't have to be stick thin with bright blonde hair and pearly white teeth to be pretty. Everyone feels ugly at times it's part of growing up but there will ALWAYS be someone out there who loves you for who you are.

Take me for example: I'm a size 16-18, my hair looks awful as I'm growing the hairdye out and I hate taking photos of myself and when I do take photos I go through loads before I find ones I like.
Some days I hate how I look and it just mkes me want to cry. Other time I think damn I look good! haha.

Your family don't care how you look and neither do your friends and who cares if you're single? I'm nearly 20 and I've never had a boyfriend on bad days yes it does upset me but on good days (which I get a lot) I think who cares? If someone doesn't love me for who I am it's their loss not mine.

To those who self harm because they don't feel beautiful or any other reason just remember there's always someone who will talk to you even if it's  friend you've made online. No one is perfect but don't ever let people feel that you ain't beautiful and that they're better than you because you know something? A beautiful soul is more beautiful than any physical feature someone thinks they have. You are beautiful too & you have a beautiful soul and personality to match which can never be beaten or taken away and that's why some people feel the need to put you down.

Friday 14 September 2012

So today I have my 3rd blood test (in the space of like 2 months if that) then I have an opticians appointment so I can have a free trial at lenses to see if my eyes will reject them and to see what it’s like and how much it’ll cost for different types. I’m getting my new glasses Monday but I just want to consider lenses for the future because when I start swimming it’ll help if I have them or I won’t see a thing. Also if I do become a lifeguard being able to see will be a massive help. I can hardly take my glasses with me. They’ll fog up and get water on and smear so I won’t see anything. I suppose the lenses will kinda be just for days and glasses around the evening onwards.

Thursday 13 September 2012

So today I have an opticians appointment for a review then tomorrow I have to have my blood taken (again!) then I have another opticians appointment for a free lens trial. Then the 24th is hospital for a 2 month review of my catarrh. So many appointments especially as my brother and sister went to the opticians yesterday and my other brother has his today with me. Might get new glasses. Depending on how much lenses are might get them. Cant go swimming with glasses xD 

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Monday 10 September 2012

Baking cakes!

So my mum and I are taking part in the McMillan’s biggest coffee morning and I tested the red velvets and I’ve never made them before and they came out almost perfect (except for the butter cream but it would’ve helped if I’d let them cool down first. Mum’s gonna do the toppings for me) Its not til the end of the month but I will update with another cake blog when I do them and I will post pictures :D

We (my family) all had one each and they’re lovely but because the butter cream was on a warm cake it melted… straight down my bra and all around my mouth and hands! Talk about sticky!

Saturday 8 September 2012

People by me make no sense

People in my area are idiots! I’m constantly asked for ID even when I’m just buying scratch cards (you only have to be 16) and yet on several occasions I’ve been asked if I’m a mum. Not just to little kids. Once I was on my first day of placement and the chef thought I was a mum because one of the children was sitting on my lap but she was like 2. My 12 year old sister looks about 8 and I’ve been asked several times if I’m her mum like 4 times! And once on the phone someone asked if I was my dad’s mum.I'm also a mum to a 14 year old and a 9 year old and a 3 year old as well as my dad and sister and the child from placement. From now on I might as well reply sure why not I’m everyone else’s mum. I get told I look about 14 (despite being 20 in November) I don’t mind that but I don’t understand how I can look so young and be a mum to like 6 kids. Then I get middle aged men (and young boys) staring at my boobs. Usually around 30+ and 14-15. It’d be nice to attract a guy my own age for once. If I look 14-15 then why are men 30+ staring at my boobs? I’m sorry but a 14 year old will not have boobs my size unless they’re VERY early developers xD They make no sense but they make me laugh. I'm used to it.

Wednesday 5 September 2012


Ok had my phone call from my dr and long story short something is high (I don’t know what) and I need a 3rd blood test and the results are all getting sent to the hospital when I go down. Nothing to worry about and something was said about inflammation in my sinuses but idk what but nothing major or to be worried about

Monday 3 September 2012

Blood test worry

Little worried because I had to have another blood test as something in my last one was a little higher than it should be by the doctor thinks it’s something to do with an infection. Last time when I rang up I got told that one blood test was fine but I had to come in and talk about one of them and this time when I rung up I got told my doctor needs to ring me and talk to me about it. He now has my mobile number and is going to ring me Wednesday hopefully before 2pm but I’m just a little worried as to why I wasn’t told if it was ok or not. I’m probably just over reacting but I can’t help it.