Friday 8 February 2013

update on all sorts

So I met Emmett again (and half the hollyoaks cast whilst waiting for him to come out) it was a long wait and his last day so we stuck it out and I got to give him a proper hug and he hugged me back as if we’d known each other the whole time he was working here and I kissed him and he kissed me back (on my jaw though I think he was aiming for my cheek) He came out and we noticed he had his Brendan Brady trademark moustache shaved off as soon as he filmed his last scene. The whole day was lovely and the cast were so sweet stopping for photos and hugs and a chat.

We have a new kitten today called Guinness but we might rename him. He was all big and brave against the dog and other cats yet he hid behind mum and shivered when I introduced a paintbrush for him to play with. He’s currently walking up and down my blanket. He’s only 7-8 weeks old but is already 100% litter trained by the looks of it because he hasn’t had a single accident.

My best mate went to Cuba for two weeks and now she’s back we’ve had a massive catch up and she saw the photos of me with the hollyoaks cast and her and her mum said I look like I’ve lost weight so maybe, just maybe my new years resolution is working?

Been ill not last week but the 2 weeks before that. It was a chesty cough/infection but it was also flu like symptoms so one minute I was burning and achy then I spent like 4 days with 2 duvets on me and still too cold. Hate being ill but I’m all better now.

Seems like I’m having a busy year already. Got a concert at the end of the month, a party with some of the hollyoaks cast end of march and some of the girls wanna go Manchester around April - May time. This year’s gonna be a good ‘un and so far is proving it.

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