Tuesday 26 February 2013


So 2 days ago (24/2/13) I went to see Justin Bieber with my best friend Holly, her little sister Sophie and my little sister Bethany. Now me, Holly and Sophie all went to his last show in Liverpool but it was our Bethany’s first concert (last time he was my first concert too). We got to Liverpool around 1 and had lunch and headed to the stadium to see if we could catch any of Justin’s crew (or Justin himself of course) We waited quite a while (at the back slowly getting closer to the front) and we saw his tour buses go in (and out and in) but we didn’t actually see the crew.

Then we went around the front and had to wait in the cold and hail until 6.30. By this time it was 4.30 at the latest. We got to the front of one queue and sat down, hugging together to keep warm. We decided we needed a way to get warm and stay positive and to help the time pass. So I got my mobile out and played as many of his songs as I could play in the time waiting. We sat there, swaying and singing out loud. We didn’t care how we looked and soon enough the queues grew and people starting joining in and those that were standing were also dancing too so it was great to see.

When we finally got in and sorted out the merchandise we were all buying and toilet trips etc we got to our seats (pretty close to the front on one tier) and Bethany looked so amazed and the show hadn’t even started. Dead on 7.30 Cody Simpson came out and done his set (he shocked us because we didn’t like him and were set to walk out but he was really good) then Carly Rae Jepsen came out and did her set and then we waited 10 minutes for Justin to come out.

His entrance was phenomenal as was the whole show. It totally blew my mind (and my ear drums lol) We had technical difficulties that meant we couldn’t take any decent photos or videos (the lighting made everyone look like unrecognisable white blobs) but I do have photos from other people that were there and I might find a video or two from the concert to post onto Google+. It was a long and tiring day but it was just the best! I thought his my world tour was incredible but this totally blew it out of the water.

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