Wednesday 30 January 2013

Meeting Emmett

Yesterday was amazing! Just for those who don’t know I went to see one of my favourite actors before he leaves. My mum wasn’t well but I went with some mates and we could not stop laughing the whole time! Mum bought Emmett (actor) a little birthday chocolate bottle from Thornton’s and we got happy birthday Emmett iced onto it and having lunch I dropped some of my money. So I picked up the chair and dropped it straight onto his present! Managed to buy him another (Everyone got him something) So fast forward to when we actually got there and one of the girls lives 10 minutes away and goes all the time so she knows what his car looks like and everything and she said “Emmett’s here” and she’d been mucking around so for a second no one realised she was actually telling the truth.
He came out and was like “does anyone want me?” What he didn’t realise was that everyone out there was actually mainly there to see him (about 20 of us) and he spent time with us all. I got a photo with him and I gave him a kiss! He also signed my mums canvas picture of him (sister got it made for her) and I mentioned she wasn’t well and he put To Carol Get well soon and signed it. When I went over to give him a hug and get a photo my foot sort of rolled to the side and I nearly fell over him xD luckily his arm was already around me so I just wobbled. He just smiled and was like “are you alright?” Turns out his last week is next week AND my mum wants me to take her so I’m going to get to see him again before he leaves.
Also saw two of the girls that work there and got photos with them as well. They were all so lovely!

oh and he tweeted this after he went: To the simply wonderful women who have waited all day at #Oaks to shower me wit such thoughtful b-day gifts,I am truly honoured

We only waited like 2 hours tops. I asked to draw on him (was gonna write DILF on him in black sharpie for a laugh) and he was gonna let me but he had a business meeting and he said I could draw it on paper for him. I just laughed and went if you're going to a meeting I probably shouldn't write on ya its fine :D We just laughed :)

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