Wednesday 28 November 2012

One of those days

So today I was meant to go shopping with my parents (after my ECG) while my brothers and sister were at school. We get to town and get a call from the school nurse asking us to take my brother to the hospital (long story short he hurt his arm and the walk in centre said fracture they were wrong he’s broke his wrist) so we spent all day in the hospital with him and I went to find out when my operation was going to be and they said they’d ring me. When they rung they said “you’re not due til late January, early February but there’s been a cancellation so how’s next Wednesday for 7am?” I obviously had to say yes so now my operation is next Wednesday seriously early and I should be home by mid- late afternoon (best be back for hollyoaks lol) I may or may not be online because I don’t know how I’m going to feel so if I’m gone don’t worry (if you even notice lol!)

I’m a tiny bit worried but not much (that’ll come as I’m sitting waiting in hospital)

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