Friday 2 November 2012

Just an update

Been feeling crap since yesterday. Light headed, nauseas and aching. This is all part of the sinus problems I have and I actually want this operation soon because while I’ll be nervous going in I know that it’ll end all this shitty feelings and I’ll be able to live my life normally. I’ll be able to go out without a second thought and without taking tablets with me. I won’t have to worry about randomly going deaf when people talk to me and I won’t constantly be thinking “What if I’m sick?” or “What if I pass out?”

My Doctor said it’s like being travel sick. You know when you were a kid and you’d be feeling like you’re about to throw up in your dad’s brand new car and then you’d panic and go dizzy? That’s what I get almost every day. Some (like yesterday and right now) worse than others. I gotta go back and see my doctor very soon but lately I’ve been so tired I haven’t been getting up early enough for an appointment because they’re usually gone within minutes.

Just sitting and waiting for this letter to come through telling me when I’m having this flaming operation now. I know I’m going to be nervous but I can handle that and it’s only natural. I’m ok at the moment but I usually get the worry when I get there. Will keep you up to date if any of you are actually interested. I’m glad I have people that read this because to be honest I thought I’d just be twittering on with no one paying any attention. It’s nice to have this blogger so I can say how I’m feeling at the time as well as doing some interesting stuff (Kind of) My life isn’t very interesting at the moment I know but I’ll try my best to make it entertaining or at least worth a read. Love you all night x

A lifeguard once said this and it stuck with me ever since:
“It’s impossible.” said pride. “It’s risky.” said experience. “It’s pointless.” said reason. “Give it a try.” whispered the heart.


  1. Kirsten, its livi from twitter, erm just wanted to say i have hope that you will get better and that you defo have one person behind you and wish you well! liv xxxxx

  2. Hey Liv, thank you so much. It's always goo to know someone's there for you just waiting for a letter for this op now then everything should go back to normal :D
