Sunday 30 December 2012


So I’m not sure but I don’t think the operation was a total success but I think I’m still technically recovering from it as it’s still draining (gross I know) Still get a swimmy head, Gloopy ears and such but my hearings improved a bit and I don’t feel like I’m going to collapse if I do more than walk.

Hope everyone had a fab festive holidays whether you celebrate Christmas or Hanukah or any other festive holidays. I managed to go out and see my friends the Wednesday and Thursday before. The Wednesday we went to red hot and had a lovely all you can eat buffet and Thursday some of us went to town in our onesies after playing games at the birthday girl’s house. (Went a little dizzy when we out but after a sit down and drink I felt alright)

Tomorrow is New years eve and I’m going to babysitting. I’m made up because I’ve been babysitting this family of kids for 7 years and I haven’t seen them too much this year and I miss them. I hope everyone has a fab new years eve and new years day and just remember don’t get too drunk! x

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