Saturday 6 December 2014

weight loss

So I’m planning to start losing weight mid December early January I want to lose 3-4 dress sizes by April (comic con and I really want to dress as Tomb Raider I want to lose weight anyway but thought having a target would go better than just lose what I can when I can)

Worried I can’t lose weight because I know some people physically can’t I mean I walked best part of 10 miles a day 5 days a week and I barely lost a few pounds, I was also doing yoga in the afternoon daily and squats and lunges (up to 300 a day but had to stop as I caused damage to my knees from not wearing supportive shoes when I was doing all the walking)

I’m looking into the possibility of me achieving this weight goal in such a small amount of time and I’ve already hit one major snag which could be why I’m not losing weight as it is. You have to eat 3 healthy meals a day. I very rarely eat breakfast as the thought of food in the morning makes me queasy and lately I’ve not had time for lunch because of my work hours (it’s too late for lunch and too early for tea once I’m finished so I either snack or just eat tea in a day) how am I going to lose weight if I can’t even fit time in for 3 meals a day?

I plan on going swimming daily as I’ve heard this is a good workout for all areas (plus will help to strengthen my knees). My body shape is weird I need to lose it from belly, thighs and upper arms and tone my butt but everywhere else is the way I want it to be (Skinny lower arms, toned-ish lower legs, could do with a bit more work)

I have to be careful when it comes to dieting I’ve been feeling fat since I was about 13 and tried diets and they’ve gone wrong I’ve either not eaten anything for days then eaten something to stop myself passing out or I’ve dieted well then binged on crap weeks later. I think I’ll attempt either 3 regular meals a day or 5 really small meals I don’t know if this works well. The juice or all fruit/veg diet looks tempting but I’m trying to avoid it.

My appetite is weird (even my doctor said so) I go through stages where I am constantly hungry and barely anything fills me then a few weeks or months later I can barely manage a sandwich a day (at one point it was half a sandwich I was just too full to eat) it goes back and fourth I’ve had blood tests no one knows why my appetite varies so much. I go through stages where I crave fruity sweets (skittles, fruit pastels, starburst etc) no one can explain this to me either and before you ask no I’m not pregnant.

I have a lot to go through especially as I still have sinus problems and knee problems which limit my ability to exercise (I did ok going hard at physiotherapy gym though didn’t go dizzy much or faint) I’m probably not meant to swim with my sinus problems but sod it I’ll put wool or earbud things in to stop water going in.

Will write to say how I’m getting on but at the moment I’m not too sceptical so looking at other outfits for comic con. I’m not doing this for comic con though I’m doing it for me I just thought using comic con as a target would be a good idea.

Thanks if you’ve read this it’s not about whether anyone reads it though it’s just me getting my weight loss worries out in the open.

So 2015 losing 3-4 dress sizes in 4 months can I do it? Well I’ll have to let you know.

Monday 21 July 2014

A catch up

So in the past few months I’ve got a job (been working there about 8 weeks now) I do enjoy it quite a lot but at times it’s been hard mainly just getting used to everything.

Health wise (as I’m sure previous readers are aware I was having seriously chronic sinus problem and the last I updated I had had an operation.) well the operation hasn’t worked. It stopped my symptoms for a bit so I thought I was all better but then they slowly came back and I’m nearly the same I was when I had my operation in Dec 2012 (I was told it could take a year to fully come into effect so was made to wait) now I’m at the point where I’m trying to hide it from work. They know I get sinus problems but like many people they don’t the full extent.

When I tell people I have chronic sinus problems they look at me as if to say and?! And I wouldn’t blame anyone reading this to think the same because personally I would’ve been the same if it was happening to someone else. Thing is it affects me in so many ways so that sitting or standing makes me almost black out or get tunnel vision. (I had this at work once and leant against a wall when outsiders where in and I got pulled into the office because I just looked like I couldn’t be bothered and unprofessional but I didn’t want to tell them the extent of my sinus problems in case they decide I’m not fit for work and I lose my job) my work probably think I’m mostly quite lazy (a lot of the time I have to sit down because of sinus problems and now I have knee problems which I will go into in a moment) but when I’m having a good day I’m really hard working and do all I can barely sitting at all.

People probably get sick of me ranting about my sinuses but truth is I know others have it so much worse and I’m thankful it’s only my sinuses but I’ve had this control my life every day since I was 15 (I’m 21 now) I’ve had to cancel trips out last minute, cancel on friends because it’s making me feel too sick, can’t go in the car or bus for 5 minutes without medication or I come very close to being sick (at one point I went 2 minutes down the road from mine in a car and had to stop and go home because I was almost sick. I’ve had many nights where it’s made me so ill, my hearts been racing and I’ve had to have a sick bowl next to me (the weird thing is it feels like the moment when you’d get car sick and your mum, dad or whoever would stop the car just in time and you wouldn’t be sick, I‘ve only actually been sick physically once… I was in a hotel with my friends and nearly had to go home, I felt much better after.) It’s weird how something as minor as your sinuses can cause such massive problems. Oh and every time I get hay fever or a cold it sends me back to square one and with my sinuses I’m prone to infection. I’m getting them roughly once a month if not more. I’ve only just got rid of one the other week.

Now onto my knees. So I keep bashing my poor left knee off of things (accidentally) tables, doors, walls etc and I’ve actually put a lump and dent into my knee cap, then I was doing squats and lunges (I’ve lost some weight…yay!) and my knee hurt a bit like normal since finding the dent and lump but then it started to swell to double the size of my other knee and by then I was finished with my squats and lunges. My doctor referred my to physio which is coming up in August but my dad said take ibuprofen when it swells and after a week it worked but then it came back. I then messed up my other knee by kneeling on a large Thomas the tank engine toy so now I have another lump and for days I could barely put pressure on either leg (awkward when I was walking to and from work.. Almost 5 miles each way) but now I can’t have my knees bent too long or it gets worse.

I’m 21 and feel like an old person at times but hopefully I can get it all sorted ASAP.

On the plus now I have a job I’m working good hours (flexible though) but I’m getting enough money so as my parents birthdays are 1 week apart I’ve bought them tickets to see the lion king live in London and they’re staying for two nights and I’m giving them train tickets and spends the lot. They won’t have to pay for a thing.

Sorry for the long update and I know you might not care but just getting this written down, even if it’s not read makes me feel a lot better.