Sunday 29 December 2013

2013 year review

So this year for me has been absolutely wonderful. I’ve had the odd problem such as sinus problems still continuing but everything else has been so wonderful it cancels out the odd bad thing.

Let’s start from the start.

So in January & February I met up with some girls off of twitter and went to Lime Pictures (where Hollyoaks is filmed) to meet some of the actors and I had an amazing time and out of it I now have a new group of friends. Emma, Lucy, and Rebecca. I then met Amanda in March at Kieron Richardson’s party.

So in the first 3 months other than these girls I met:

Emmett Scanlan x2

Kieron Richardson x2

PJ Brennan

Jorgie Porter

James Atherton

Claire Cooper x2

Danny Mac

Jessica Forest

Nikki Sanderson

Ashley Taylor Dawson

Jazz Franks

Jimmy McKenna

Ela May

In February came Justin Bieber’s concert I’d been to the my world tour and that was my first ever concert and this time for believe me and Holly took our little sisters who got on like a house on fire. It was such a great feeling to watch as my little sister experienced her first ever concert in the exact same place and seats as I watched my first one. She was in awe and nearly cried at the perfection.

Then in the coming months there was 3 PA’s of Emmett’s that I went to and it was so fun. The planning, the panic of every journey (it never went exactly right for me like nearly getting stranded in London with no more than £3) We also met Toby Everett on these trips and he’s fab too and each one was better than the last.

Then came an amazing opportunity to be an extra in a film with Emmett as I had pledged some money to help with the film’s budget. 3 days of filming, one day for a good 14 hours in Kingdom nightclub filming club scenes, one day started a bit late so I missed filming but then the final day me and the girls watched more filming take place and had a laugh and we met some other girls whilst there: Lis, Gabi, Tina, Louise to name a few and we met Nadia who was helping the boys with the film.

I then went to truckfest in the summer to see Emmett and got to see loads of cool trucks and awesome stunt bikers. Those trucks were bloody loud!

I also cut and donated my hair to charity (the little princesses) and raised £60 (+10 gift aid) for the charity stand up 2 cancer which involved standing up for 24 hours. Hard but definitely worth it.

This year also saw me and my mates celebrating being friends for 10 years and we’re all still so close, best friends a girl could ask for.

November came my parents birthdays and my 21st. My friends through me a little party at one of the girls homes (including a stripper) before we hit the town. I then got to see Emmett just under 2 weeks later for the premier of the film. Also met Joe Tracini and Charlie Wernham that day.

Now it’s December, Christmas was amazing and Kieron and Gaydio had another party and Ela May was there as well as Kirsty Leigh-Porter. Year’s almost done and it’s just been a hell of a year. Much love to everyone and hope you had a happy holiday and wish you all the best for the new year.