Wednesday 22 May 2013


So I’ve had the opportunity to film with Emmett Scanlan (as an extra) 12/05/13 we were there from 9am-10pm and it was tiring but so much fun. I got picked for quite a few scenes so far (about 4 scenes) and it’s great watching your favourite actor in work mode and it’s even better when you get to work with them. It was all set in a club these scenes and it’s for his film personal appearance which should be out august 10th so I’m super excited though I know I’m gonna cringe watching myself. We should be filming this weekend too but somewhere different (possibly the set of my favourite soap!) so I now have a new dress and such and I can’t wait because it’s such fun! And bless him he still made sure he came over to us a few times in the day to chat to us and take photos :D